Life's Simple Pleasures L
By Alycia A.

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Format: 12 x 12
Category: People / Children H to M

This is one of my favorites!
2 12x12's scanned together.
These are black and whites color tinted using spotpens. The font is from CK font cd and then i cut the pink to fill in (compulsive, yes!)
bubbles were made w/ circle punches and heart punches (in half).
bubble paper is FM, i think??
pastel paper was in a paper pack i got at my craft store.
Poem is from dmarie, but i changed it a tad:

You were sent here
to teach your parents
important things they forgot.

to laugh at BUBBLES
to spin until you fall
to run with no direction
to hug so tightly that tears fall.

your children will come also
years from now
to remind you what really matters.