By Barbara S

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Format: 12 x 12
Category: Places / Home Sweet Home

This page is a story of
encouragement, attention,
and impatience!
Paper: Canson red, royal blue, and
pearl gray. Milepost: Veridian and sepia
brown, lettering Milky White Pentel.
Maple Leaf die-cut: a punch enlarged
on the scanner and hand cut.
Encouragement: Scrapwiz encouraged me to
try hand lettering. Thus, the only page
in the entire album where I took a chance!
Attention: I never noticed (until working on
this album) that any full-length photos of
dh showed him barefoot! Thus, the "Barefoot
and Blissful" title!
Impatience: I worked on this page
one Sunday afternoon and decided I needed a
foot punch. I went to the three stores in town
which sold scrapping supplies and NONE had the
punch! :( Thus, I free-hand cut a dozen tiny-toed
feet for the layout! LOL!!!