Puttin' on the Ritz (literally)
By By Diane Y., Aloha, OR

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Format: 8.5 x 11
Category: People / Baby G to M

For anyone accused of being a 'scrapaholic' because you pre-plan pages before you have even taken the photos and spend time getting everything just right so it will work with the page, this page is for you! A fun and yes ~ preplanned page (so much so that I had a FIT when my dh recycled the first Ritz box that we finished without my knowledge and I had to go buy another - just for the box since I usually just buy the store brand snack crackers to save a penny or two) ... he is now paranoid and asks me before recycling anything :O)

Anyway, red cardstock, red/white plaid are precut shapes from Creative Memories, font is "albert" printed in read and white/cream paper for matting.