Magic Bubbles
By By Diane Y., Aloha, OR

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Format: 8.5 x 11
Category: People / Friends

Grant, age 2 and McKenzie, age 3 have been friends for as long as Grant has been alive. McKenzie's father is one of my husband's oldest friends and ex-roommates, so they see each other pretty often. I took these photos while we were all at a cabin on Mt. Hood in September of 1998. We had bought 3 bubble "wands" at the Oregon State Fair a couple of weeks before the trip and it came with a great bubble recipe that made realllly big bubbles with very little effort (good for young impatient children)...see the photo on the far left of the page...

Don't know who makes the bubble paper used as background because it is old, used blue and white cardstock for photo matting, the troll, bubble blowing dragon, and bubble next to their names are clip art from the net and the font is "Benguiat Frisky ATT".