L. Fry, Austin, TX
Featured Layout
Aunt, Uncle & Baby
People/Baby A to F
Busy as Bees (left)
People/Baby A to F
Busy as Bees (right)
People/Baby A to F
Caldwell Zoo (left)
Caldwell Zoo (right)
Caldwell Zoo - Sara's First Visit (l)
Caldwell Zoo - Sara's First Visit (r)
Dining Delight (left)
People/Baby A to F
Dining Delight (right)
People/Baby A to F
Fall (left)
Fall (right)
Flower Quilt (left)
People/Baby A to F
Flower Quilt (right)
People/Baby A to F
Four Month Portrait (left)
People/Baby A to F
Four Month Portrait (right)
People/Baby A to F
Fun at Daycare (left)
People/Baby A to F
Fun at Daycare (right)
People/Baby A to F
Fur-Ever Friends (left)
People/Baby A to F
Fur-Ever Friends (right)
People/Baby A to F
Its Summertime!
People/Baby N to Z
Mimi's House is Beary Fun (left)
People/Baby G to M
Mimi's House is Beary Fun (right)
People/Baby G to M
On the Move (left)
People/Baby N to Z
On the Move (right)
People/Baby N to Z
Sara and Jamie
People/Baby N to Z
Sara Springs to Life! (1 of 2)
People/Baby N to Z
Sara Springs to Life! (2 of 2)
People/Baby N to Z
Shake, Rattle, Roll
People/Baby N to Z
Waiting for Baby (left)
People/Baby N to Z
Waiting for Baby (right)
People/Baby N to Z
You are My Sunshine (left)
People/Baby N to Z
You are My Sunshine (right)
People/Baby N to Z
You Make My Heart Leap (L)
People/Baby N to Z
You Make My Heart Leap (R)
People/Baby N to Z
Email a message to
L. Fry, Austin, TX
L. Fry, Austin, TX
(type your name in the box above)
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