By Deborah, BC, Canada
Featured Layout Category
5 generation descendancy chartMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
Anders SigmundsenEvents/Anniversary
Carl SimundsenMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
Dad on his wedding dayMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
Grandfather's gravestoneMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
Little Ebba SegerstromMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
Mum & I at my baptismMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
My great-grandmother and her oldest ddMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
My mum - Marlene HawksleyMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
My nana and her friend at the beach 1935Miscellaneous/Heritage Pages
My Nana and her niece, 1928Miscellaneous/Heritage Pages
My Nana in 1963Miscellaneous/Heritage Pages
Nana's graveMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages
Sisters in the 70'sEvents/Anniversary
The Segerstrom GirlsMiscellaneous/Heritage Pages

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