Tracie, Roanoke, VA
Featured Layout Category
A Blooming FriendshipPeople/Friends
A Blooming Friendship (L)People/Children A to B
A Blooming Friendship (R)People/Children A to B
A Little Bit About LoganPeople/Children A to B
Captain SlobberPeople/Baby A to F
Daddy and MePeople/Parents
Easter 2001Holidays/Easter
Easter Egg ArtistsHolidays/Easter
Fishing BuddiesPlaces/Camping/Fishing
If Friends Were FlowersPeople/Friends
Kite Festival (L)Events/Misc. Events A to M
Kite Festival (R)Events/Misc. Events A to M
Rub A Dub DubPeople/Children N to S
Snow Falling All AroundSeasons/Winter
Sweet SlumberPeople/Baby N to Z
Those eyes ...People/Children T to Z
Walk a Little Slower DaddyPeople/Parents
Wanna Be SantaHolidays/Christmas N to Z

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