Saturday, February 17, 2001    


Scrapbooking gave me something to work towards

By:Betsy,Columbus, Mi

Almost four years ago now I was diagnosed with Hodkins lymphoma. When I was first diagnosed I started thinking about what I had to leave behind for my 3 children. Two were already in high school and the last one in middle school.

I knew I didn't have alot of money or even family treasures to pass on to them. The one thing I did have was alot of wonderful memories. So I started by writing letters to each of them to be opened in the case of my death.

These were letters telling them how important they are to me and how wonderful each one is in their own special way. My daughter Heidi is very strong willed and opinionated some may find this to be a not so wonderful trait but I find it to be very assuring because I know she is strong enough to handle anything that comes her way and emerge a better person because of it.

When other high school friends were out drinking and doing drugs she was home studing or working to earn money for college. She thought they were just stupid for taking the risks and wasting their money.

My second son Ben was an extremely talented artist but did not have a lot of self confidence. He was blessed with a good friend that helped him get in touch with his own self worth.

He has since entered his art work into a couple of contests. He too has very stong values and will stick by his friends til the end.

My last son Matthew has had quite a few hurdles to over come but he is working on them. He is by far my most affectioate child he was always there to give me a hug and keep me smiling during chemo and radiation treatments. He has a special talent on how to make people feel they are important.

About six months into my treatment I was invited to a creative memories party. A door was opened for me I could finally give each child something from my heart. A lasting legacy so to say with all my memories and their old photos that were only to decay in the magnectic albums I had them in.

Well I' ve been running with this ever since Their albums are not fully complete but they are getting there as most of the pressure is off now that I'm in remission I can be more creative and take a little time to share all my memories.

My daughter has since gotten married and given me a beautiful granddaughter and son in law to scrap book about. I feel that scrapbooking has in fact saved my life it gave me something else to put my mind on other than on my illness and I did not have time to die I had to get my scrapbooks done!

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Scrapper's Anonymous, by Carrie Cogar

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