Friday, February 16, 2001    


My first Scrapbook was made for my mother in law.

By:Melissa Rhoads, Nibley, Ut

I have my mother in law to thank for my love for scrapbooking. She had asked me one day if I would make her a scarpbook for her nursing career I thougth she just wanted me to make a book for her to put all of her pictures in.I said I would. Then she brang out a big box of things she had been saving. Her nursing career started in 1945 and trust me she kept everything.She had everything numberd and and sort disruption of each item witch made it nice but I didnt know how to start.

I put every thing in the closet for a few months and each time I talk to her she asked how her scrapbook was coming along. I didnt have the heart to tell her it was still in the closet.One day I decieded to pull everything out and start scrapbooking.

I learned so much about my mother in law and scrapbooking working on this book for her. I gave her her book on Christmas 1999 and she is still talking about it.

I think it is so impotant to scrapbook for our future generations. One day they will look at our family scrapbooks and know a little bit more about us.

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Scrapbooking gave me something to work towards, by Betsy,Columbus, Mi

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