Tuesday, February 19, 2002    


Scrapping has really changed my life!

By:By Sherri, OH

I began scrapping five years ago with a friend, just a few pages, and was addicted, hook line and sinker! Two weeks after starting those few pages, my nephew was diagnosed with terminal cancer, at age 9. We knew we'd never have any other photos of him. I bravely asked my sister and mother for all their photos of Chris and said trust me.

After nights of seeing him in the hospital, I would work until 2 or 3 am, working on scrapping these precious pictures of my dying nephew. I knew I had to work quickly, for if he passed, I'd have to return it all, whether it was done or not. I knew they'd never want to part with them again. I worked and got both books done just three days before we lost Chris.

They were shown to all at the funeral. Hugged and cried over, cherished and greatly appreciated by the remaining family. Losing a loved one is hard, and even after all this time, we're not over the loss, but these two books, one for Chris' mom and the other his grammy, mean so much to them. I have progressed in my scrapping abilities since then, but look back to the heart love and tears that were put into that early work. I included stories of Chris, his favorites things, scripture, and keepsakes. I thank my friend for leading me to a way to keep our memories of Chris forever.

She knows what it has meant to us to be able to preserve these photos. I even went on to make a photo transfer quilt with all of our family on it, from Chris and his cousins, all the way back to my great great grandparents that has become a fabric scrapbook of sorts. I gave it to mother our first Christmas without Chris. I had everyone trace the shape of their hands onto the backing of the quilt....even Chris traced his hand before he passed. What a blessing scrapping has been in my life!

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Why I feel Scrapbooking is Important..., by Cheryl R

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