Friday, March 29, 2002    


Compound Words

By:pammie, BC Canada

I love to scrapbook because it allows me first and formost to document my childrens lives. It is said that we remember most 'moments in our lives' - I want my children to have as many of those moments as possible to recall. I love that with scrapbooking I put my creativity and quirkiness to such an important use.

Scrapbooking is so important because it builds self esteem. A recent example of this in my life comes from my oldest son who is in grade one. In school they are learning about 'compound words'. He came home on a Monday and said "mommie I need my ABC album for sharing day." "why?" I asked and he proceeded to tell me that for sharing day he needed to bring something from home that was a compound word. "A scrapbook is a compound thing right mommie" he asked. "I want to show all my friends my great ABC book that you made for me" - I was one proud mommie, first that he knew that 'scrapbook' is a compound word and second that he was proud of what I had spent many a night working on so that he would have a fun way to learn his abc's and have picture memories as well. Sharing day was a success that week and he was happy to show his book to his pals at school. He was as proud of me that day as I am of him.

Scrapbooking has changed my life on so many levels and opened it up to a group of ladies that today I call 'friend'. Ladies from every walk of life, several different nationalities and cultures. These ladies challenge me to be a better person, scrapbooker and friend. They are kind, generous and there for me - Elizabeth Foley wrote "Friends in your life are like pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you. Sometimes it's just enough to know they're standing by."
This group of ladies encompass all that and much more.

I could NOT imagine my life now without scrapbooking!

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Scrapbooking IS important, by Abby Ross

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