Monday, March 3, 2003    


A Piece of Myself

By:Beth S.

It was six years ago when a spark of interest turned me to scrapbooking. My oldest daughter was about to turn thirteen and I wanted to make her something special. I had always taken pictures at every family event and all those boxes of pictures made me think. Sure I'd preserved the memories but what would happen when she looked at them. Some had humorous stories behind them while others brought back tears, but still how would she know the sentimental value if I didn't share them with her. This got me thinking. I began by entering into Wal-mart, the closest store to a craft store available at the time, and bought what little I could to make the first album. As time passed I began to get more intricate on the details and layouts to the pages.

Scrapbooking has given me a place to go when everything else in my life is so stressful. I can come down to the room in my basement specifically for my hobbies and take myself back to the times of good memories. I find great joy in designing new pages. I especially love the chance to share my creativity with others through my work.

Since I have begun I have found the main reasoning behind my getting started in scrapbooking has been the greatest reason for it's importance in my life. My two girls continually look at the books I have made for them and say "Mom remember when sis was dancing in the bathtub to New Kids on the Block", or,"Look at Dad's face in this picture." All bring back memories that would have been lost if not for scrapbooking. I also feel that I have shared a part of myself with my daughters in each page. When they look back and show their children what grandma made I hope that they will remember all the love that went into each and every page that I created for them.

I love D-Marie because it gives me a chance to share my ideas and gain new ideas with others. The message boards are great for ideas and the layout pages always help me on my scrapers-block days.

Everything that I have gained from scrapbooking has been a plus. I have made great friends from this hobby, have preserved memories for my family, and have given my daughters a piece of myself.

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Scrapbooking, by Molly H

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