Tuesday, March 30, 1999    


What Scrapbooking has meant to me

By:Raquel W.

I began scrapbooking in 1995. I was instantly hooked. I had just had my second child. Two months before her birth, I had proudly put all of my first daughters "life" in those unsafe albums. Thankfully it was not to late, and I immediately made my first project removing all of those pictures from these albums.

Four years later, I am still hooked as ever. I have met many wonderful people through scrapbooking. I have so enjoyed the moments spent with these people, but recently came to realize just how deep a bond I have with them.

In September, I was involved in an auto accident. For a while, there was a great chance I was going to lose my right foot. Thankfully my children walked away with no injuries that night. Almost immediately, I had many of these fellow scrappers visiting, praying, helping with my children and making dinners us. It has been 41/2 months so far and these wonderful people are still taking time out of their busy lives to help my family.

Now being homebound, I have discovered the internet, and a whole new dimension in scrapbooking. Just recently, a wonderful person on the Jangle board offered to send me something I was having a hard time getting. She wanted nothing in return for this kind gesture. Not even to be paid for it. In todays world, it is so wonderful to see that there are still kind hearts out there, willing to do for others, what they cannot do for themselves.

I still have several months to go before I will walk again, but the thoughtfullness bestowed upon my family throughout this whold ordeal has helped in so many ways. All of these people have one thing in common, scrapbooking. I guess that is why it means so much to me. Not only am I providing a history for my children by doing it, I am forming friendships that run very deep in my heart.

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Not a hobby, but a memory for life, by Sherri Chatter Quackenbush

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