Tuesday, April 23, 2002    


Why I Scrapbook

By:Jackie Ortgies

About a year ago one of my best friends from college gave me a scrapbook she had put together of our college days. I was so touched by the gift. After talking to her about how she had put the book together, I thought that would be something I would like to do.

Of course it got put on the self with all the other things "I'd like to do." Ten and a half months ago I gave birth to a wonderful baby girl and new right away that it was time to scrapbook. I love scrapbooking just for the art of the craft.

Not that I'm that artistic mind you, but I still love to play. The more toys a craft has to play with the better and boy does scapbooking have it all! More importantly, I scrapbook for what it will give my daughter. Family is so important, but we often take it for granted. I lost my mother to cancer about 5 years ago.

I want my daughter to know her grandma and her grandma's family. The best way I can think of doing that is through photos and stories. While recently looking for pictures to put in a heritage album for my daughter, I got a chance to better know my husbands family.

My husband's grandfather let me go through family pictures that no one had been through in about 40 years. He was so happy that someone was taking in interest in them and even happier to know that his great-granddaughter was going to see these pictures and hear the stories that went with them!

I'm sure that these albums will become family treasures. I've not only enjoyed doing the scrapbooks themselves, but also the family history that I've learned and saved!

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: To dMarie or not to dMarie that is the question?, by Cropmom

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