Wednesday, May 1, 2002    


Cats, Cardstock, and Friends I've never met

By:Amy W

So, you want to know how scrapbooking has impacted my life? Well, I'd love to tell you how much I've changed and grown and the amazing people I've met along the way. Let me tell you a little story that may amaze you. Yet, if you are a scrapbooker it won't be a surprise at all, because you already know what a great society of women (and some men) scrapbookers really are.

I have two cats who are very sweet and also very psychotic(aren't they all?). I also have a wonderful scrapbook room that my husband built for me in the basement. Oh, how I love this room!! I have two tables in an L-shape, two 8 foot shelves above one of the tables. Iris carts to store my collection of stuff and a literature sorter on the table to hold all of my 8 1/2 x 11 paper.

One morning I walked into my beautiful room all ready for a scrapbooking session only to find that one or both of my "angelic" cats had urinated up into my paper sorter. All of my sage and hunter greens, midnight and denim blues were ruined!! It was a scrapbookers nightmare. I immediately went to my online scrapping buddies for a little sympathy.

No one else could possibly understand the devestation I felt at the loss of over 300 sheets of cardstock. Imagine my surprise a few weeks later when a huge box shows up at my door filled with, you guessed it, paper. I believe scrapbbokers are the greatest human beings in the world.

They are generous beyond measure. They are there for you in times of crisis, they celebrate with you in times of joy, and they won't give up believing that the world is ultimately good. If they did, what purpose would there be to scrapbook? I know other people are wary of having friendships online, but I just tell them that these are not ordinary people. They are scrapbookers, and they are some of the dearest people I've ever met.

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Someday, by Amy W

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