Saturday, May 4, 2002    


How scrapbooking changed my life.

By:Lisa H.

Within our society today, the news media continually reports tales of
troubled or distraught teenagers.

Teens, perhaps labeled as "poor, from the wrong side of the tracks", or
"spoiled, over indulged". We read and listen to stories of children who
have been taunted repeatedly because they were shy, quiet, or backwards.

Talk shows report these tales, often in open forum discussion, of what
should, could or would be done to help them function as "normal"

I was one of the "misfits" as a teenager. Scrapbooking helped me to
overcome all the tales of woe.

I never fit in to the "normal standards." My love and escape was reading.
I read an article on saving your photos and other souvenirs to make a
memory book. This was over 20 years ago, and this hobby changed my life.

Way before the acid free and technical terms, I saved everything for my memory book. I created a wonderful, beautiful story of my life, just for me.
I still have that book, it's sacred to me. The years and not so acid free days have not been good to it, but it's still intact.

Happy memories replaced the turmoil, the hurt, often caused by others.

Once a shy, very backward kid, I am now, labeled as the big mouth.

Why? Being able to share my scrapbooking with others, way before it was
the "in thing" allowed me to overcome my own fears, my own insecurities.

Having someone look at my books and say, "that is the neatest or coolest thing I have ever seen, " gave me self confidence. This enabled me to meet and greet folks, with smiles instead of a scowl.

So, are my books works of art? No, but they are my life story, written for me, by me. That is my greatest reward.

Scrapbooking has changed my life in a positive manner. I would encourage anyone who is or has lived with the pain of seclusion, shyness, or feeling that you never belong to try it.

My personal motto, when life hands you lemons, add some sugar and start scrapping!

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Memories of Pampaw, by Lyn Meeker

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