Sharing Through Scrapbooking
By:Hope B
I was born to keep a scrapbook. I kept a huge album full of dance and piano recital programs, report cards, award certificates, postcards and anything and everything else. In high school I kept the scrapbook for my high school band. As a matter of fact, I was so proud of it, I just kept it for myself instead of leaving it for future band members. I was a senior, I graduated, and no one ever asked for it. I went to college as a music major and joined Tau Beta Sigma, the honorary band sorrority. When I joined , there was no scrapbook from past members. Older members said things like, "I think Stephanie made one and kept it. "
She must have been proud of her scrapbook, too! I was elected the chapter Historian, and I made a great scrapbook. I was proud of my work, and as much as I wanted to keep it, I did leave it for the future members. I wanted people to know who we were and what we did. I have gone back for alumni events and there it sits, the chapter still has the scrapbook I made. Members can look back and see what band life was like "back when...".
As for the high school scrapbook that I made and kept all to myself.... I guess there may have been rumors, "I think Hope made one, but must have kept it." Yes, I did, but after being out of high school ten years, I returned to my high school band program, as their newly hired director. I gladly share my high school scrapbook and my students get a good laugh looking at how different band was then compared to now. I also make sure our current band historian turns in the scrapbook at the end of the year.
I know that keeping a scapbook is keeping history. It is meant to be shared with others and not to be kept to ourselves. When we are gone, we want people to know us as more than just faces in pictures. We have a story that can shared through scapbooking.
Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: My family at a glance, by Linda E