Thursday, May 30, 2002    


why do i love scrapbooking?

By:skogy, Burnsville, Mn

Oh where do I begin? After waundering the aisles of Michaels, gazing lovingly at all the scrapbook supplies, too intimidating to begin I finally took the plunge and attended my first workshop. I was hooked!

Not just a way...I jumped in with both feet. It was the perfect hobby to combine my creativity with my love of my children and all the pictures I take. It was the perfect avenue to put my great love for them into words. Words that would drive me to tears. Words that would tell them exactly what I felt as they were growing up.

A picture is worth a thousand words someone once said. I certainly am glad I have my words to put with all the many pictures.

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Why is scrapbooking important., by skogy, Burnsville, Mn

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