Monday, June 30, 2003    



By:Becky S

Today was a typical Sunday. The boys, 21 month old Blake and 3 1/2 year old Garrett had breakfast in front of the television as their Daddy and I took turns getting ready for the day. Then we wrangled them into their sweaters and good pants and managed to pull into the church parking lot just before Mass started. Both were wild, wiggly and loud during the service.

On the way home we wondered if God cares that we can't remember anything our priest said today! After lunch Daddy went to clean the garage and I let the boys into their room to play while I tried to get some housework done. They played quietly until I finished scrubbing the bathroom. Then I found out what had kept them quiet - a styrofoam box which had been stashed in the closet was now in tiny pieces all over Garrett's carpet. Do I laugh or scream or just grab my camera?

Scrapbooking has actually made me look at life's minor catastrophes differently. Messes turn into memorable times when recorded in the scrapbook for Blake and Garrett. I love that my books will be there to remind me of this time in our lives when every moment seems a little crazy. Scrapbooking everyday life makes it more special, and scrapping the celebrations, birthdays and holidays and also the sad times is the best way to capture those memories, too.

It's important not only for my children that I record these memories, but for me as well! When my responsibilities at work become overwhelming, and the house just seems a perpetual disaster-area, taking a break to look at our scrapbooks can calm me and give me a new perspective. Plus, a weekend afternoon stolen to spend time to scrap is one of the best ways I know of to relax. It is an activity that is completely different from my career, and because of that, scrapping takes my mind off of long, tough days. My family is my number one priority, and when they read these scrapbooks, I hope that shows!

Tomorrow at dMarie Daily: Why I Love Scrapbooking, by Cindy W.

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