dMarie Daily (tm)
"dMarie Daily (tm)" is a daily story about scrapbooking
submitted by one of our readers. Touching at times, sometimes funny,
but always from the heart, these stories show what scrapbooking is
all about.
Poem Place (tm)
"Poem Place (tm)" is a place where you can post your favorite
scrapbooking poem selection, or search through our large database
of poems to find just the right one to compliment your scrapbook
Page Toppers (tm)
"Page Toppers (tm)" is an idea-generating database of page
titles and suggestions for pages. Add your own catchy title, or do a
search for titles that will spark your creativity.
dMarie Time Capsule (tm)
The "dMarie Time Capsule (tm)" is a historical database of
facts from the past that you can use to spice up heritage pages for
friends or family. Simply type in the date you're interested in
(try your birth date!) and click the button -- an instant page
all about the year you were born -- what famous people share your birthday,
how much a gallon of gas cost that year, etc. Includes data for 1900
through about 1995.
dMarie Badge Maker (tm)
The "dMarie Badge Maker (tm)" is a quick and easy way to create
customized name badges that you can print out in color, mount, and wear
to the next scrapbooking convention, to the next cropping party, or
anywhere you want to identify yourself as part of the "dMarie Team!"